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Machine Translation with DeepL

Enable auto-translation on your projects to give your workflow a quick boost.

Michaël Hoste

Michaël Hoste

Founder & CEO

Who is Michaël?

Michaël is the founder of Translation.io. He is always interested in hearing your feedback on the product.

Feel free to get in touch: michael@translation.io

DeepL Logo

You can now use DeepL alongside Google Translate to automatically translate your applications. DeepL is a machine translation service which uses neural networks trained from the Linguee database.

Blind tests conducted by DeepL have ranked it well above other competitor machine-translation solutions. This is backed up by the quality of the translations produced, which are found to be more subtle and precise.

Depending on the case, and their availability, you can therefore use DeepL or Google Translate for each of your target languages. This applies to both the machine-translation used in the synchronization process, and to the suggestions offered to the translators as they work.

DeepL or Google Translate for Target Languages

You can find a list of all the languages supported by DeepL on our languages page.

High Speed Machine Translation

In adding this feature, we took the opportunity to radically speed up the machine translation process.

It is now possible to automatically translate up to 400 segments per second during a synchronization. This means that a project with 100 additional sentences to translate into 20 languages will only take 5 seconds of synchronization time to auto-translate.

This is 10 times faster than our previous auto-translation times, and goes hand in hand with the constant speed improvements you are probably already aware of.

Published on February 13, 2022
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