Translate your Laravel application without exchanging files with your translators


  • Run composer require tio/laravel to install our package and its dependencies.

    Requires PHP >= 7.0
    Supports Laravel 5.5 to 11.x


  • Sign up (or Log in) and create a project.
  • Copy our translation.php file to your config/ directory.
  • Run php artisan translation:init to push all your keys and existing translations.

Sync & Work

  • Localize your code using __('some.keys') or __('source text') or GetText .
  • Run php artisan translation:sync to push new keys and get new translations.
  • Review automatic translations or invite translators to our interface.

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Custom-made for Laravel applications

Easy setup

Get started in a few seconds:

  • Run composer require tio/laravel to install our package.
  • Run php artisan translation:init to push all keys and existing translations from your code.

PHP, JSON, GetText

We support various localization syntaxes:

We recommend using GetText because it offers a more complete syntax (pluralization, etc.).

Explore the syntaxes

Localization guide

Follow our detailed guide to make the best of your Laravel localization.

Read the guide

Team management

Invite teammates to your projects with only one click. All teammates will share the translation memory of the project.

More about team management


Your marketing team or clients can edit the source text directly in the interface.

Think about it like a minimalist CMS.

More about copywriting

Easy opt-out

Want to leave us? 🥲

Don't worry, all your updated PHP (keys/values), JSON (strings), and PO (GetText) files are already in your app.

Made for continuous development

Why wait? Start translating your Laravel application while you continue developing it.

Graph representing the possibility of continuous development, on different branches, with continuous translations.

Get new features translated as you develop them, and add more languages along the way.

Push new sources and get updated translations at any time: we handle working with multiple branches.


Machine translation (MT) has come a long way: it's time to make use of it!

Segment in the source language
DeepL, OpenAI and Google Translate are used for auto-translation
Segment auto-translated in the target language

Auto-translate your projects

Get faster results by automatically pre-translating your source keys using Google Translate, DeepL or OpenAI.

Invite human translators to your projects to review the automatic translations and continue translating.

Synchronization: easy and fast

Just one command to sync all your translations.

php artisan translation:sync
Pushing new keys... OK
Receiving translations... OK
Your project is synced! 🎉

Push new sources to and pull translations back to your code in seconds.

Keep developing your app while your translators are already working.

Anytime you sync, your team will be notified of new or updated sources, and you will get updated translations.

All you need (and more) to work efficiently

Your developers and translators will love us!


Screen recording of the smooth team management feature in the translation and projet management interfaces.

Invite teammates in just one click.

Assign roles and target languages. We'll bring them on board and keep them updated about new project activity.

All teammates will share the translation memory of the project.

Adaptive workflows

Screen recording of the use of tags on segments in the translation worflow.

Our interface is flexible enough to fit your own translation workflows.

Add custom tags to your segments so you can filter them easily. Tags also show up in the statistics screen, so you can use them for reporting.

Elegant translation interface

Screen recording of the translation interface in action.

Simple, intuitive, powerful.

We designed our interface to make the translation process as ergonomic as possible.

Make use of translation suggestions (from your projects and from machine translation services), context, discussions, and more.

Our keyboard shortcuts help your translators work faster, and visual hints indicate possible mistakes.

Efficient search

Screen recording of the efficient search feature in the translation interface

Our powerful search helps translators to maintain consistency of terms throughout their work. In addition, they are able to filter depending on a particular source file or context.

To provide a more enjoyable experience, this lightning-fast search works without any page reloading.

Give it a try

Ready to adopt a smooth translation process?

7-day trial - No credit card required