1 min. read

Tags - Work Better as a Team

Using tags allows you to easily communicate with your teammates, to identify changes and to filter your segments.

Michaël Hoste

Michaël Hoste

Founder & CEO

Who is Michaël?

Michaël is the founder of Translation.io. He is always interested in hearing your feedback on the product.

Feel free to get in touch: michael@translation.io

Illustrative image for the blog post Tags - Work Better as a Team

We’re proud to announce that, starting today, you’ll be able to tag segments directly in the translation interface.

We did our best to make tagging painless without cluttering the screen with lots of irrelevant visual information. The only difference is the small “+” on the bottom-left corner of the selected segment.

To add or remove a tag, it’s really easy:

Translation tags 1

And, cherry on the cake, you will be able to filter your projects using these tags:

Translation tags 1

This feature will allow you to work seamlessly as a team on your translation projects. We hope you’ll like it!

Published on August 28, 2015
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