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Translation.io Goes Live

Michaël Hoste

Michaël Hoste

Founder & CEO

Who is Michaël?

Michaël is the founder of Translation.io. He is always interested in hearing your feedback on the product.

Feel free to get in touch: michael@translation.io

After a 2-month private beta and a 2-month public beta, we are proud to announce that Translation.io is now officially launched (as of January 2015).

Green lights on Translation.io

We warmly thank all the beta testers for their useful feedback: it really helped us improve our tool! Thanks to you all.

A few figures about the last few months:

  • 115 carefully targeted users
  • 71 projects
  • 124,106 segments synced (61,082 GetText, 63,024 YAML)
  • 65,050 segments translated
  • 7 versions of the ‘translation’ gem
  • 44 different target languages

We’re glad to see that our project met a positive and enthusiastic welcome in the small community of developers around us. We will now start spreading the word and presenting our tool more largely in the Ruby on Rails community.

But we won’t stop at that! We will continue developing the tool to improve the interface while making sure that it remains simple and user-friendly.

Stay tuned for the next updates!

Published on January 01, 2015
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